
The key to avoiding insolvency is to seek professional help as soon as initial signs of financial stress appear.

Presidio Partners has the experience and the expertise to assist in identifying problem areas, and suggest solutions to improve a client’s financial position. Timely and expert advice is critical to saving a business from liquidation or receivership.

Presidio Partners can assist in administering a voluntary liquidation in order to maximize tax benefits that may be available from the distribution of proceeds on the sale of pre-CGT assets or the distribution of the tax-free component on the sale of active assets within a business structure.

Should the need arise and an involuntary liquidation is necessary, Presidio Partners, through its extensive network can refer clients to a suitably qualified adviser who can assist, in this regard.

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Level 2, Piccadilly Court, 222 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000

(02) 9283 1777